上海宣雅餐饮管理有限公司是一家专业提供自助餐冷餐会、BBQ烧烤、家庭宴会、PARTY酒会、企业周年庆、展会餐饮、婚姻,企业年会等一系列餐饮外送服务的公司…… 上海宣雅餐饮管理有限公司是一家专业提供酒会、上海外卖、外卖宴会、冷餐会PARTY、家宴、自助餐、公司周年庆服务的餐饮实体公司;专业外卖标准化中央厨房,自有专业外卖保温...

Xuan Shanghai Ya Feasts is a professional services company providing buffet buffet, BBQ grill, family dinner, PARTY receptions, corporate anniversary, the exhibition catering, marriage, and a series of annual corporate catering delivery service company ... ... Shanghai Xuan Ya Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. is a professional reception, Shanghai takeaway, take-away dinner, buffet PARTY, dinner, buffet, catering service company anniversary entity companies; professional standardization of the central take-away kitchen, its own professional take-away insulation ...



Tel: 021-65340771
Fox: 021-65340771
E-mail: lanyuejang@126.com 


商务宴会一般人数在100-3000,其中300人之内的宴会居多,根据 商业需求对于宴会的种类及形式也有很大的不同...
Commercial Catering Service
Business banquet in general the number of 100-3000, in which 300 people within the party majority ...
近几年随着个性化需求的增加,宴会外卖已不再是仅在商务领域一 枝独秀,而慢慢地往个人市场渗透,目前在中国还没有...
Personal banquet service
In recent years, along with the increasing demand for personalized, Catering is no longer only in the...
近几年随着个性化需求的增加,宴会外卖已不再是仅在商务领域 一枝独秀,而慢慢地往个人市场渗透,目前在中国还没有...
Latest business
Business banquet in general the number of 100-3000, in which 300 people within the party majority ...




我们的服务宗旨:“精美的菜式,美味的菜肴,合理的价格,精心的策划,周到的服务。” 我们始终致力于打造自己的品牌,努力成为全方位的宴会外送服务商 上海宣雅餐宴服务公司是一家专业提供自助餐冷餐会、BBQ烧烤、家庭宴会、PARTY酒会、企业周年庆、展会餐饮、企业年会等一系列餐饮外送服务的公司……
公司合作伙伴:车辆违章查询 手机移动电源
茶歇菜单 Tea or Coffee Break Menu
西餐分餐制菜单 set Menu
烧烤菜单 B.B.Q. Buffet Menu
西餐自助餐菜单Western Buffet Menu
企业年会菜单 Corporate annual menu
婚宴菜单 Wedding Menu
中餐自助餐菜单Chinese Buffet Menu
中西合璧自助餐菜单Western & Chinese Buffet Menu
鸡尾酒会菜单Cocktail party menu


Menu  Western Buffet300Rmb
Salad 沙拉类
Chicken and apple salad                                                               鸡肉苹果沙拉
Roast beef salad                                                                       烤牛肉沙拉
Nicose salad                                                                                    尼斯沙拉
Greek salad                                                                              希腊沙拉
Sea-food salad                                                                          什锦海鲜沙拉
Pasta and ham salad                                                                      意粉火腿沙拉
Assorted bread & butter                                                         什锦面包和黄油
Cold Cut Plate 冷切类
Tomato & mozzarella cheese plate                                      番茄及乳酪拼盘
Caviar Egg plate                                                                       鱼子酱酿蛋花拼盘
Japanese sushi plate                                                              日本寿司拼盘(3种)
Assorted Cold cut plate                                                         什锦冷切香肠拼盘
Salty salmon rose plate                                                          玫瑰三文鱼拼盘
Mixed canapés plate                                                                各式迷你三明治拼盘
Carving Station现场切制
Roast beef with gravy                                                             烤牛排
Lamb leg with Rosemary sauce                                            烤羊腿配迷迭香汁
Hot Dish 热菜类
Beef escalope with green pepper corn sauce                      煎牛肉配青胡椒汁
Trout fillet Sicilia                                                                         西西里煎红鳟鱼柳
Pork chop Provencal                                                                      普罗旺斯烤猪排
Shrimp Newberg                                                                            新城镇烩虾
Salmon fillet with white wine sauce                                    香煎三文鱼柳配白酒汁
Roast chicken with herb                                                         香草烤鸡
Pasta Arabiata                                                                         蔬菜意面
Sautéed vegetables with butter                                             黄油炒时蔬
Spanish seafood rice                                                                      西班牙海鲜饭
Dessert 甜品类
Fresh fruit plate                                                                       新鲜水果拼盘
Chocolate mousse                                                                   巧克力木司
Yoghourt mousse                                                                    酸奶木司
Creamed pudding                                                                   奶油布丁
Apple pie                                                                                  苹果派
Cheese cake                                                                              奶酪蛋糕
Black forest cake                                                                             黑森林蛋糕
Water melonHami melonOrangeKiwi fruitGrapepitaya
Kiwi juiceOrange juicegrape juice ,apple juice ,Coca colaWater
Menu B3 Western Buffet
Salad 沙拉类
Waldorf chicken salad                                                            鸡丝华都夫沙拉
Roast beef salad                                                                       烤牛肉沙拉
Nicose salad                                                                                    尼斯沙拉
Caesar salad                                                                                    凯撒沙拉
Shrimp and Avocado salad                                                   牛油果大虾沙拉
Pasta and salami salad                                                           意粉香肠沙拉
Assorted bread & butter                                                         什锦面包和黄油
Cold Cut Plate 冷切类
Sashimi Combo                                                                        什锦鱼生拼盘
Asparagus and Fresh tomato plate                                      芦笋番茄拼盘
Caviar Egg plate                                                                             鱼子酱酿蛋花拼盘
Assorted Cold cut plate                                                         什锦冷切香肠拼盘
Salty salmon rose plate                                                          玫瑰三文鱼拼盘
Mixed canapés plate                                                                      各式迷你三明治拼盘
Carving Station现场切制
Roast beef with gravy                                                             烤本地牛排
Baked honey ham with apple sauce                                    烤蜜汁火腿配苹果汁
Hot Dish 热菜类
Veal roll with creamy mustard sauce                                         小牛肉卷配芥末汁
Seafood gratin                                                                          法式焗海鲜
Pork chop Provencal                                                                      普罗旺斯烤猪排
Shrimp Newberg                                                                            新城镇烩虾
Lamb chop with Rosemary sauce                                                煎羊排配迷迭香汁
Salmon fillet with white wine sauce                                    香煎三文鱼柳配白酒汁
Grill chicken breast with cranberry sauce                                  扒鸡胸配树莓汁
Pasta Arabiata                                                                         蔬菜意面
Cauliflower gratin                                                                   奶酪焗花椰菜
Spanish seafood rice                                                                      西班牙海鲜饭
Dessert 甜品类
Fresh fruit plate                                                                       新鲜水果拼盘
Chocolate mousse                                                                   巧克力木司
Creamed pudding                                                                   奶油布丁
Apple pie                                                                                  苹果派
Cheese cake                                                                              奶酪蛋糕
Black forest cake                                                                             黑森林蛋糕
Water melonHami melonOrangeKiwi fruitGrapepitaya
Kiwi juiceOrange juicegrape juice ,apple juice ,Coca colaWater
 Menu A2 Western - Chinese Buffet300Rmb中西合璧自助餐
German potato salad                                                                     德式土豆沙拉
Chicken and apple salad                                                              苹果鸡肉沙拉
Tuna fish salad                                                                       意式金枪鱼沙拉
Fresh vegetable salad                                                            新鲜蔬菜沙拉
Beef salad “Thai style” with spicy and sour dressing     泰式酸辣牛肉沙拉
Sliced chicken and cucumber salad with special dressing    怪味鸡丝
Jelly fish salad with Chinese vinegar                                 老醋海蜇
Bread and butter                                  各式面包和黄油
Cold Cut Plate 冷切类
Cold cut sausage plate                             冷切香肠拼盘
Japanese Sushi plate                               日本寿司拼盘
Salmon with asparagus roll                                                        三文鱼及绿芦笋卷
Stuffed Vegetable with tuna Plate                                      金枪鱼酿蔬菜拼盘
Carving Station现场切制
Roast beef steak with black pepper sauce                  烤整条牛排配黑椒汁
Hot Dish热菜类
Swiss style Beef Stew                                                            瑞士烩小牛肉
Braised prawn in tomato sauce                                           中式油焖大虾
Lamb ragout                                                                           法式红酒烩羊肉
Baked pork piccata with garlic fennel sauce                            意式比加特猪排
Green Curry Chicken with coconut                                    椰香绿咖喱鸡肉
Pork and pineapple in sweet and sour sauce                   菠萝咕咾肉
Crispy spare ribs with garlic                                                蒜香排骨
Sautéed vegetables with Seafood                                        海鲜炒时蔬
Fusilli with bacon sauce                                                       奶油汁炒培根螺丝粉
Fried rice                                                                                 什锦炒饭
Fresh fruit plate                                                                      新鲜水果盘
Creamed Pudding                                                                 奶油布丁
Chocolate Pie                                                                         巧克力派
Cheese Cake                                                                           奶酪蛋糕
Black forest cake                                                                    黑森林蛋糕
Beverage 饮品
Water, Orange Juice,, Coke, SpriteRed Win Sprite kiwi JuiceBeer


German potato salad                                                                     德式土豆沙拉
Chicken and apple salad                                                              苹果鸡肉沙拉
Tuna fish salad                                                                       意式金枪鱼沙拉
Fresh vegetable salad                                                            新鲜蔬菜沙拉
Beef salad “Thai style” with spicy and sour dressing     泰式酸辣牛肉沙拉
Sliced chicken and cucumber salad with special dressing    怪味鸡丝
Jelly fish salad with Chinese vinegar                                 老醋海蜇
Bread and butter                                  各式面包和黄油
Cold Cut Plate 冷切类
Cold cut sausage plate                             冷切香肠拼盘
Japanese Sushi plate                               日本寿司拼盘
Salmon with asparagus roll                                                        三文鱼及绿芦笋卷
Stuffed Vegetable with tuna Plate                                      金枪鱼酿蔬菜拼盘
Carving Station现场切制
Roast beef steak with black pepper sauce                  烤整条牛排配黑椒汁
Hot Dish热菜类
Swiss style Beef Stew                                                            瑞士烩小牛肉
Braised prawn in tomato sauce                                           中式油焖大虾
Lamb ragout                                                                           法式红酒烩羊肉
Baked pork piccata with garlic fennel sauce                            意式比加特猪排
Green Curry Chicken with coconut                                    椰香绿咖喱鸡肉
Pork and pineapple in sweet and sour sauce                   菠萝咕咾肉
Crispy spare ribs with garlic                                                蒜香排骨
Sautéed vegetables with Seafood                                        海鲜炒时蔬
Fusilli with bacon sauce                                                       奶油汁炒培根螺丝粉
Fried rice                                                                                 什锦炒饭
Fresh fruit plate                                                                      新鲜水果盘
Creamed Pudding                                                                 奶油布丁
Chocolate Pie                                                                         巧克力派
Cheese Cake                                                                           奶酪蛋糕
Black forest cake                                                                    黑森林蛋糕
Beverage 饮品
Water, Orange Juice,, Coke, SpriteRed Win Sprite kiwi JuiceBeer
